A fairly common misconception is that kids and adolescents are too young to experience true stress and mental health disorders, but that is just the myth. When one considers the definition of mental health issues, it becomes evident that it applies to all people, regardless of age or other factors; thus, mental health problems in children and adolescents do exist. It is better to treat the issues by visiting a child psychiatrist at an early age or else it can mold the personality of a child.
Workplace stress has become common for all adults with competitive life and ideologies. If you or someone around who is dealing with the effects of mental health disorders, it can be really difficult to find how to cope up with daily life or know what to do next. Understanding and taking the best treatment for mental illness is one of the pre-eminent ways to start.

Some people would like to talk about what is bothering them from inside, or those who need some emotional support with their current life scenario. At Synapse Mind Care, we give them confidential counseling where people talk about anything freely that is bothering them. They tell us that just talking things through help them to see their situation much more clearly.
We provide special assistance in Psychological Assessment & Testing Services, Psychosexual Issues, and Alcohol & Drug De-addiction (hyperlink to their respective pages with every service name). At Synapse Mind Care, we focus on offering a wide range of consistently high quality and up-to-date psychiatric and psychological care that allows us to improve the health of the communities we serve with compassion and sensitivity to the individual need of our parents and their families.

Since birth, my child was suffering from ADHD. He had poor concentration in academics. Dr. Chandak who helped us a lot in getting my child back on track. He is a very reliable, highly experienced psychiatrist.
I was not sure whether I should go for counseling or not, but when I talked with Dr. Pritam Chandak, he guided me through various methods which have made me strong enough to live this life in a better way.
Very helpful, professional and reliable. Comfortable to talk on sensitive topics. Dr. Chandak does on-point conversations. Highly recommended to all the working adults!
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